The best tips for an amazing family photo session.

How to create family photos that are full of happiness, play and authentic emotion.

Do you ever look at other people’s family photos and wonder “how is it that they all look so good?”

Do you want photos of your own family that are full of happiness, play and authentic emotion?

Do you want a session where you walk back to the car thinking “everyone did great and that was so fun”?

Or, are you someone that worries that your kids might not be agreeable, that they might be naughty or have a melt down?

If this sounds like you, not to worry, I am here to help.

I have photographed hundreds of families and I have some tips that will help set you and your family up for an fun filled session so that you can look great in your family portraits as well.

How to set your family up for a great photo session day.

Try and be as prepared as you can ahead of time. This includes having the clothing ready, make sure everyone has full bellies and allow enough time so that you’re not rushing out the door.

What to say on The car ride.

Take a breath and pat yourself on the back for getting everyone dressed and in the car. Someday’s that alone is no easy feat, especially on photo shoot day.

Take this time to set your kids up for what is will happen at the session.

Tell them that you are going to a park or field or whatever the case may be. Tell them that you are going to play games and have fun. Tell them that a really nice photographer named Kathleen is going to take pictures of us while we have fun together. Fill the conversation with positive thoughts and ideas about how great it will and be and how excited you are.

Here’s where it can go wrong.

Don’t go down the rabbit hole by telling them that they need to behave. Don’t tell them how they need to act or that they need to look at the camera.

This will give them the idea that this might not be that fun after all.

Instead, keep it light, keep it positive and keep it all about having fun together.

Here’s how you can help make this a succesful photo session-

Let’s talk about two scenario’s

We start taking pictures-Johnny runs away and isn’t interested in having his picture taken. Mom and dad immediatly throw out the bribes and ultimatiums. Johnny doesn’t care and keeps running.

Understandably, mom and dad are frustrated and yell after Johnny. Dad goes after Johnny while mom and Susie stand and wait. Nobody is happy.

Here’s a much better way to handle the situation.

Johnny runs off. But this time dad runs after Johnny saying “I’m going to get you” in a playful manner. He swoops him up, swings him, pretends he’s an airplane as he runs back to mom and Susie who greet them with open arms. The outcome is authentically happy photos.

and most importantly, Johnny and Susie realize that this is fun and they are full of smiles.

What to do if your child isn’t coopertating during the photo session?

Here’s another scenerio. I ask everyone to sit on the blanket for some cozy cuddled up shots.

This time Susie isn’t interested and tries to wiggle herself out of mom’s arms.

Mom and dad are frustrated. They try and hold her, throw around some bribes and tell her to look at the camera. It doesn’t work and Susie isn’t having it.

Nobody is happy and Susie get’s up and the parent’s aren’t sure what to do.

Let’s do this instead

I ask Susie and Johnny if they can be my helpers. They immediatly love the idea and say yes, as most kids do.

I have mom and dad sit on the blanket and wait. I make this a game and whipser “Johnny, run up and sit on moms lap and tickle her”. “Susie, you run in and hug dad around his neck”. They think this is sneaky and happily oblidge.

The result is cozy connected photos while everyone is having fun.

More ways to have happy children during your photo shoot.

Don’t try and direct your kids, don’t tell them to look at Kathleen, or at the camera, or to smile or even to act a certain way.

INSTEAD, act like everything they are doing is the cutest, funniest thing you’ve ever seen.  THAT’S RIGHT! Laugh with them, encourage them and don’t be afraid to be silly yourself.

Even if they are a bit naughty, go with it and smile.  Don’t discipline for one hour.  What? Yup, I said don’t discipline. It might not be easy but, you can do it, I believe in you. It will show in your pictures, and you’ll thank me later.

 If the parents are happy, everthing else falls into place.

And remember, they are the cutest thing you have ever seen!

How to create authentic emotion in your family photos.

Think of things that make your kids laugh.

Bring up an inside joke or something funny that has happened in the past.  I have some fun prompts as well, but you know your kids best.  If you know a way to bring some laughter or a smile, go for it.

If poop jokes work on your kids, go ahead, it won’t bother me at all.

Be ready to cuddle and shower your people with affection.

DOnt forget to get close.

During your session I want you to hug and kiss your kids and your spouse.  Pick up your kids, hold them tight, spin them around and be playful.

Photos like this are full of connection and movement which are great. Not to mention it keeps the kids happy and playing.

All of these gestures add to the emotion and connection in the images.

the simple things. a kiss, touching someone’s cheek, brushing hair from the face or a snuggle.

The photos turn out so much better with these subtle little moments of connection.

And above all, don’t worry, I will be guiding and directing you the whole way through. 

Take a deep breath, relax, enjoy your family and let’s have some fun!