How to create emotive and connected photos.

We have all heard this from a young age.  “Look at me, look at the camera, and smile”. 

Who doesn’t appreciate a happy looking at the camera smile, am I right?  It makes us feel good, it’s what we are taught to do, but in my opinion we can do even better. How do we do that you ask?


  It’s all in the hands, my friends.  It’s in the gesture or the touch, it’s what brings it all together.   

When I place a family together, more often, than not, everyone has their hands by their sides or in their pockets.  It’s natural, I get it, and let’s face it, we are all a bit awkward in front of the camera, I know I am! 

But with some simple changes we can take an average photo to one filled with love and connection.


It is actually quite simple.  All you have to do it put your hands on someone else.  Place a hand On their shoulder, grab their arm or hold their hand. You don’t have to worry about how to achieve this because I am going to help you.

Before you know it, it will become second nature. I promise.

It happens- Every. Single. Time.


When you connect with your family like this, everything else falls into place.

The laughter, the emotion and the expressions come naturally. That’s the good stuff, the stuff we want to capture and the feelings that you’ll want to remember.


Do you want your photos to be spilling over with love, connection and emotion?

It’s all in the hands, my friends, it’s all in the hands.
